There’s something I hear from many students when they start to learn piano. It’s a five letter word that will kill your progress dead in its tracks – want to know what it is..?
Later is the one single word that will make the difference between learning how to play the piano and not learning at all. Reading sheet music, and playing your favorite songs by using my step by step piano lesson method is achievable without any doubt, for pretty much anyone that does it consistently.
That’s why it’s so frustrating to hear students say, ‘I’ll practice later.’
There are 2 problems with using the “later” attitude.
#1: Life gets in the way – The time you thought you would set aside gets taken up with something else, so your practicing gets put back to ‘later’, and guess what – later never comes!
#2: The other problem with thinking that writing takes huge chunks of time, is that it’s just not true! Playing the piano is *not* like writing school essays, the process is *not* like homework! In fact the process can be compared to a telephone call with your friend, and a brief one at that! It is a relaxing and enjoyable experience each time you sit down and practice!
And all you need is 10 minutes per practice time. Start today and renew your commitment with yourself and set aside 10 minutes to become the pianist you always dreamed to be!