How young can I start teaching my child?

Piano lessons for the very young

I would only recommend a parent to teach a two year old how to play the piano. A LOT of patience
and repitition on a daily basis, is required.  A two year old would not benefit from a weekly
lesson, and the parent would be paying for a lot of repetition.

So, I say it's doable, but I recommend that a parent does it.  At this early stage, the parent
needs only to follow the curriculum, they don't need to know how to play the piano.

If a parent really wants their very young child in piano lessons, then I would do it with the
parent included, and explain that the lessons will not be effective without the parent at every
lesson, and that the parent is responsible for practicing with their student.  Explain the nature
 of repeat lessons/repetition at this young age, and that even though there will be progress, it
will be slow.

The youngest age I have found that can remember what the teacher tells him once a week is about
4 and a half years old - 5 years old.  They are a joy to teach!  So willing to learn and they
absorb everything you  tell them!  Again, there is responsibility for the parent to make sure they
practice at home.

Here is the curriculum I have developed for ages 2-7:

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