This video will help your fingers become flexible with changing positions and switching between chords.
Yesterday I held the drawing for the 35 winner’s who will receive a free download of The Clumsy Piano Finger Boot Camp! If you were a winner, you will have received an email from me earlier today…Congratulations! Ready for another preview video? This video is from the category called “Reaching out of Range”, teaching your […]
Does this sound like you?…… “I can play my right hand perfectly, but I can’t get my left hand to cooperate.” “My songs don’t sound like they’re supposed to sound because I make too many mistakes.” “My songs sound choppy and slow even after hours of practice!” “I have to keep starting over because I […]
This is a quick reference guide to commonly used fingering for scales. The fingering always alternates 123 1234 (or 321 4321) so that the same fingering pattern repeats every octave. The thumb always stays on the white keys, never on black keys. The fourth finger always plays a black key (when there is a black […]