Hi there! I see you made it to part two! If you missed part one, bookmark this page so you don’t lose it, and click here for part one. I enjoy offering these songs for free.. it has always been my pleasure to be able to offer both free lessons full of value and membership […]
If you made it to this page…Congratulations! That means you are determined to learn this song and so far the video instruction is working for you. ~smile~ If you missed the previous parts, you can find them at the bottom of this page. This video covers measures 5 and 6: Measures 7 and 8: In […]
You are almost done! Measures 9-16 are a repeat of measures 1 – 8. This next video shows you the ending of the song: Measures 17-18: Entire Song: And finally… to get to the page with the details about how you can become a member at a very deep discount, follow this link: Membership for […]
For those who are following my children’s progress with their song they each chose to challenge themselves with, here are the most recent recordings showing the first 30 days progress. As you know we are traveling through Alaska in an RV and participating in a variety of awesome activities, so there is something to be […]
June 30 Little to they know kind of day lies ahead of them… should I wake them up? Receiving the news that they will be going on a half day halibut charter: Getting under way: Aren’t they handsome? Zach’s catch: The crews catch: Master filleter: (Is there such as word?) Beautiful scenery: Arriving back to […]
June 28 Today is a day to remember forever. The kids, recently joined by their two cousins who flew in to be with us for 2 weeks, will be telling this story to their kids and grandkids for years to come….Unfortunately, due to the surprise moments, the camera was either far from our mind, out […]
We made it to Alaska, and to our destination city, Anchorage! ~smile~ If you have been watching our 4 month trip, then you know we started from San Diego on May 15th, and took a beautiful ride up the Alaskan Highway and visited amazing places! It has been fun sharing pictures and videos with you […]
There are several reasons why you might not be able to login. I will list them below: 1. This might sound silly, but you might not be a member. Sometimes I have students who confuse the free lessons with the membership lessons. Unless you have actually purchased a membership, you will not be able to […]
If you cannot open the free lessons pages, or any of the pdf pages, the first thing to make sure of is that you have downloaded the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader: http://www.adobe.com/products/reader/ If you already have it and it’s not working, you might need to either reinstall it, or upgrade it to the […]
The membership area is always growing and being added to. Here are some of the core details: Here is the page that gives you the membership items: http://www.learnpianoonline.com/premiumpiano_continued.html Here is a list of music concepts you will be learning in the course material: http://www.learnpianoonline.com/curriculumtopics.pdf Audio and Video Library Details: There is an audio clip for […]