During my last visit to San Diego, my brother surprised me when he stopped by on his lunch break. He started to play around on the piano and I captured a little bit on camera. I just wanted to take a moment to show you that playing piano isn’t just about playing a song perfectly, […]

Fingering is very flexible, and over time you will naturally learn the smoothest way to play a song. Most songs have fingering recommendations (I call them recommendations because it is flexible). While learning a song, you can stop and write in the fingering that you feel is comfortable, following some of the maneuvers I teach […]

Relax, Breathe, Back-up. You are probably rushing yourself. Now…practice the piano again…see, it works! Learning piano takes time. Each day you will be a little better than the day before. Yes, a few days you missed your practice,, BUT…Get back on track, in the groove, on schedule. Don’t fret. Your piano skills will show the […]

My husband loves singing this song to me, so I challenged him to learn it on camera to share with you for Valentines Day! He surprises me at the end of this video and sings it on camera…. Before you watch this amusing, yet informative video, make sure you are prepared by following these steps: […]

There’s something I hear from many students when they start to learn piano. It’s a five letter word that will kill your progress dead in its tracks – want to know what it is..? Later. Later is the one single word that will make the difference between learning how to play the piano and not […]

When you ask people about setting goals, they seem to be in either one camp or the other – they either do it or they don’t. One of the reasons that people don’t like setting goals is because more often than not, their goals never come to be, so they just have resolved that setting […]

Setting goals gives us a great feeling of starting anew. But if our goals aren’t created properly, we are setting ourselves up for failure right from the start. So next time you create your piano goals, add this additional element to ensure your success. Not only do you want to write them down, look at […]

**You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have. Jim Rohn **Only surround yourself with people who will lift you higher. Oprah Winfrey **Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt **Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are […]

This is a quick reference guide to commonly used fingering for scales. The fingering always alternates 123 1234 (or 321 4321) so that the same fingering pattern repeats every octave. The thumb always stays on the white keys, never on black keys. The fourth finger always plays a black key (when there is a black […]

When you become a student of Learn Piano Online, as a member you are entitled to requesting video clips of areas that are challenging to you. I wanted to share one here so that you can see how much support is given to students who are dedicated to learning the piano. This particular request was […]

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