If you can’t hear the audio clips in any of the paid or free memberships, you may need to download a simple player to listen to them. I recommend using the free quicktime player. Downloading the free quicktime player from: http://www.apple.com/quicktime is the easiest download, for both PC users and Mac users.

When songs start becoming more challenging, I recommend the following: First, make sure your practice sessions are at least 10 minutes. Second, focus only on a small portion of a song during a practice session. For example, measures 1-4 of the right hand, measures 5-8 of the right hand, or the last 4 measures, or […]

That is an interesting question, and I can understand this concern if you are from a different country, or you have never ordered online. This question was more common about 10 years ago when the internet was new, and it was scary to send money to someone you never met. However, today, ordering online is […]

Why piano lessons are the last thing you should give up if you’re worried about the economy. In news reports about consumer confidence and spending trends during the recession, we’re hearing about how people are planning to change their spending habits this year, if they haven’t already. If you’re feeling tempted to drop your piano […]

Have you considered teaching yourself how to play the piano? Many people share the common belief, (including piano teachers), that it is not possible to teach yourself how to play the piano without developing bad habits. That belief might have been true years ago, but today there are piano methods that have been written specifically […]

Here is a common concern I receive from students and thought I would address it to everyone here. Dear Lisa, I never smile when I practice. My sister says I am too tense. I am having difficulty learning, can you help me?…… Relax. You are concentrating too hard and not enjoying the learning process. Learn […]

Because I said so! ~wink~ Just kidding. There is an interesting phenomena that happens when you count in your head rather than count out loud. I have been teaching for 25 years now and I have seen this certain phenomena happen 100% of the time with all my students. What is this phenomena? Time after […]

Why do I stress counting out loud? If you started the free lessons, you will notice right away that counting out loud is a very important skill to develop right from the beginning. Counting out loud while you are playing develops rhythm, coordination, and prepares you for doing even more complicated tasks all at the […]

In the beginning of my curriculum, (in the free lessons), you will see that I start you off by teaching you how to count rhythm. (See lesson 2) Traditionally, counting rhythm is counted by saying 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and etc… In the early stages of my lessons, I present a unique […]

It’s that time of year again! People all over the world are making commitments to lose weight, eat healthier, drink less, quit smoking, work better and relax more. Now is also a great time to get into some better routines with your piano playing. Here are 5 easy ways to expand your musical life in […]

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