If you can't hear the audio clips in any of the paid or free memberships, you may need to download a simple player to listen to them. I recommend using the free quicktime player. Downloading the free quicktime player from: http://www.apple.com/quicktime is the easiest download, for both PC users and Mac users. Continue Reading
Why Notate Notes?
It's not about writing music. It's about using a different way to impress a memory into your mind, which results in higher retention of what you learn.The actual act of drawing a note on the correct line or in the correct space, opens up a powerful realization and gives you a more exact knowledge of where that note is located on the staff. Seeing it, notating it, playing it, identifying it are more powerful together than just to see it and play it. Continue Reading
Music staff not printing
If you can see the lines on the pdf before printing, then you will need to open your printer or Adobe Reader preferences and locate something that says: "print as image". That will allow your printer to print what is displayed on the screen as a picture instead of trying to "interpret" it. Continue Reading