Songs are continually being added to my site (both free and for members) as I create them. If you have a request for a song, you may add your request as a comment to this post for future consideration. I am not accepting personal requests that require a deadline such as a wedding, exams, special […]
Nearly 3 years ago, in 2007, I became a mother again.. to my first grand baby! ~smile~ Yes, I am a grandmother, and loving it! It seemed like only yesterday when I held both my daughter and my granddaughter in my arms in awe of the miracle of life. As I look back on that […]
For those of you anxiously waiting for the first release of Boot Camp for Clumsy Piano Fingers… here is your chance to get your foot in the door during the introductory stage of the product. Send your clumsy fingers to boot camp for a ridiculously low price and get all new releases free! Check it […]
Yesterday I held the drawing for the 35 winner’s who will receive a free download of The Clumsy Piano Finger Boot Camp! If you were a winner, you will have received an email from me earlier today…Congratulations! Ready for another preview video? This video is from the category called “Reaching out of Range”, teaching your […]
Does this sound like you?…… “I can play my right hand perfectly, but I can’t get my left hand to cooperate.” “My songs don’t sound like they’re supposed to sound because I make too many mistakes.” “My songs sound choppy and slow even after hours of practice!” “I have to keep starting over because I […]
A dogs day (utube):
Scores of people want to take their love for music to the next level by learning how to play the piano. However, too many feel that they don’t have a natural ability or lack musical talent, and ignore the urge to sign up for piano lessons. If you have a deep love for music — […]
While using the, you may have some questions. Searching the yellow area is the quickest and easiest way to find answers to your questions. In the yellow area on the right side of this page you will see a list of topics where you will find answers to your questions, and even find answers […]
1. If you’re learning a piece that you find complex, learn each hand’s part separately. Learn piano from one hand to the other for a much easier learning curve. Once you’ve mastered playing each hand separately, it will seem like you are playing without even thinking. This will make it much easier when you combine […]
I hope to be doing something like this when I am in my 90’s. This is a 90 year old couple, obviously loving to entertain… what joy they bring to each other, to those around them, and for themselves. I couldn’t help but shed a tear of joy through the endless smile I had throughout […]