Experiencing Piano Blues? How Can I Help?

I need ideas! How can I help you feel motivate to play the piano? Your feedback will help me help you reach your dreams of playing the piano. I have been spending a lot of time on this thought, but since I’m not in your position, it’s hard for me to know what you need.

Leave your suggestions below. If you have never left a comment here before, it won’t show up right away – it may take a few hours before it shows. If you have commented here before, your comment will show immediately.

Due to high volumes of emails I receive when sending this kind of request, I would like to ask you to post your suggestions here, not in an email.

Thank you so much and l look forward to hearing your suggestions and getting to work on something you can benefit from!

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71 Responses

  1. Really would be helpful for more easy songs to play.
    I need sugtgestions for teaching students how to distinguish between right and left hands and treble and bass clef – which hand. So many of my younger children have a terrible time with this and also realding the staffs when they are together.

    1. Oh my stars!! I dream about playing the piano like in that video!!! Make the darn thing jump off the floor….ahhh some day i will….

  2. You have been such an inspiration. LAST YEAR MY HUSBAND BOUGHT ME A BEAUTIFUL PIANO I play every day. Am not reading notes as fast as I would like but I play each piece until I make it my own. Any suggestions will be appreciated. I have a lifetime membership. My Granddaughter. Just started taking lessons. She is 8 years old. Thanks for everything. Edna

  3. Hi Lisa, I am just re activating my lessons and I am starting at the beginning. Today I will over view lesson 2. So you see I really am at the beginning. In the past I have been too busy to devote time to the piano and decided to put it on the shelf for a time. Now I am ready to get into some practice time and devote a scheduled time to piano. My lessons are only second to my exercise. Every day I do 30 minutes cardio exercise and then focus on your lessons. Even the development of my new web site is second to your lessons. So in short I have no suggestion except what I have already stated. I feel my piano lessons must be a priority and I set time aside to do the practice. I love that you have been so patient with me even though my practice has been dormant over a considerable period of time. I want to play my piano and that desire has never left me. I have a beautiful old Australian Piano that is more than 100yrs old and still sounds very nice. Thank you Lisa for providing this excellent way of learning the piano, I live in rural australia and receiving my lessons online is the best.
    Have fun in San Diego.

  4. Thank you for taking time out of you vacation to contact us/me.
    My main issue is still learning chords. I can play songs using just the
    notes, but playing the notes with chords is akward at best.

  5. This time of year, I like to start working on some Christmas Music. I need to review the clumsy finger solutions cause I keep missing notes. I try not to look at the key board and unless I glance, I miss the notes. Are you able to play just looking at the music? My goal is to be able to play piano as well as I type! That would be awesome!

    Enjoy you family and thanks for the email.

    Dianna Lee

  6. My suggestions are:

    1> A video lesson on Intervals recognition and tips to play piano by ear.

    2> A video lesson on “Runs & Fills use” for playing songs.

    3> A video lesson on “To accompany singers or self”.

    4> “Improvisation tips” on Piano playing for Intermediate Piano students.

    Best wishes from


    1. Alphonso,

      Great Suggestions…All of them. Ear Training is especially important. If Miss Lisa Could start with basic Ear-Training lessons and work to more advanced that would be of great value.

  7. Lessons on 1) Chord formation : major, minor, diminished, aug, etc. – all chords
    2) Chord progressions/patterns at intermediate/advanced levels

  8. We (my two little boys 12 & 10 years) have come a long way since we started with Lisa couple of years ago. Yes, there were times we were lost but we preservered; and are very happy with the results. Please visit the above site and judge for yourself. It is possible, it can be done, it only requires a little comittment, application and regular time; we like others struggled with all three but kept on. Lisa’s emails certainly encouraged us (one time we nearly gave up!); the children thought it was great to get an email from thousands of miles away, encouraging them on.
    I would like us to retain and build up on what we have learnt from pianonline. A refresher session that quickly revises and adds to the original course on a regular basis would be beneficial to us and perhaps others in similar situations. Release of a good song (simplified, doctored, enough info for beginners) like in Lisa’s lessons, on a continuing basis; would be great for motivation, something to look forward to and keep in touch.
    Consideration could also be given to adding facility on our site for members to share their effort with others and get appreciated, encouraged and enjoy.

  9. When I get discouraged I return to pieces that are familiar to me as a youngster, such as God Bless America, On Top of Old Smokey, When the Saints go Marchin In, Home on the Range, and so on. These songs bring back great childhood memories when we all had music in grammar school and sang along. More of these songs are most helpful.

  10. Hi there Lisa
    as I mentioned earlier, my moods are often chemo driven. Some days I have lots of energy and passion for the lessons, other days very little. On those down days where I can’t concentrate, I just sit at the piano and play a scale and let my hands wander into old tunes I’ve known and loved forever by heart. As I go along with the mood of the tune my chord hand naturally plays chords in harmony with the melody. I am not concerned with accuracy during these times, only staying with the feeling and rhythm that makes me feel good.
    Thanks for asking

  11. Is so happy to see you and your grand daughter in video. Wow you are so young be a grand mother. Praise the Lord.
    As for my piano learning process is quite slow although i practice finish all the lesson but now stop for a while period. I will continue to do so when i finish my some work in this year.
    thank you so much for your encourage all the while.
    Best regards
    Mae Pung

  12. Hi Lisa:

    I would like to see some improvisation tips on the site. It would be fun to sit at the piano & play without sheet music.
    Thanks for everything you do & enjoy your vacation.

  13. I am happy with what you are doing,it’s just me trying to get my priorities in place. Just a simple thank you for all you are doing.

  14. Lisa,

    I was rocking along throgh Lesson 4 and then came to Lesson 5 and had a hard time coordinating the reading and use of both hands simultaneously. I got a bit discouraged and stopped practicing. I am motivated to continue and will find the courage to face this challenge shortly.

    Dr. Bob

  15. Hi Lisa,

    thank you for help in the past and I know yoy will do all you can now. I love playing, but I would like to have some simple up to date music to play. Not anything hard, but just something from the 80’s and 90’s. I have learnso much from you. I could never have progress without your help. But I know one thing you have to be patient and love what you can do even if its small.

    Thanks Again

    Mary W

  16. Have injured both wrists and am unable to do much, however, I did get a number of my grandchildren started on the basics and they have shown great interest in music. Thanks!

  17. Hi Lisa, my reguests would be also chord progression patterns at the intermediate and advanced levels, and improvisation tips at the intermediate level. I would love to see more intermediate Classical music pieces to learn, with video help. Thank you, have a nice vacation!

  18. Father in heaven sent me Lisa after a bad accident, and I learned lessons 1 to 4 while I was recuperating from it, then I had a tought illness last year, the name is scary but everything turned out great, and the period at home I studied, and I learned a lot. Singing and piano are my therapies when I get blue, so I dedicate an hour and a half on tuesdays, thursday and saturday, and I have learned many of my most favorite melodies like “smile” and ” the carol of the bells”, I am performing for others but I love to understand my abilities and to enhace them through practice and knowing that loving Lisa is always there for supporting, love, patri

  19. Hey Lisa,

    I have had a problem with the ring finger of my right hand. I am left with three (1,2,3) fingers that are operational. My left hand is going to get a workout. My interest leans toward ” New Age”.
    I know some people cannot associate with the moniker. However, this style is more appropriate in my situation. This means developing intricate harmonic patterns & simple melodies. Any suggestions?


  20. Hello Lisa…and granddaughter!
    There in San Diego you are where some of my family is, including two grown sons. How nice!
    Love the lessons…only one suggestion. I so enjoyed seeing your grandmother, planning an updated video on her progression?

  21. Some tutorials on improvisation would be really great,and how about looking at blues and jazz rhythms? Perhaps also more sight-reading exercises. I have enjoyed the course very much so far, and it’s always encouraging to get e-mails from you. Thanks and best wishes, Myfanwy

  22. Nice to hear from you Lisa and sohappy that you are here in Sandiego. Hope to see you while you are here. Having your family here as neigbors is a great blessing. I will try to start prac t icing again and thanks for your encouraging words. God bless you and your family.

  23. I would like simple kid’s songs to play for my 2 year old granddaughter. I can do most of them by ear but that is just using my right hand. I need the left hand also. Thanks Lisa

  24. Hi Grandma Lisa and your beautiful grandaughter. I was doing great last winter then in spring and summer the garden beckoned. This VIDEO ALONE HAS HELPED, I’ll get back to the piano again now, promising to practise for at least half an hour a day!! Please could you do more videos??

    Best wishes to you and your family


  25. Lisa, After I hit the “post comment” button ,I thought of this. Do you have any gospel songs that I might practice. Since my husband passed I have gotten closer to GOD, I go to church as much as I can right now and would love to be able to play some gospel songs on piano. If you have any I would love to see some videos of how to play them. Thanks

    1. this is also what i need more of. My purpose for learning is so i can play in church hymnals when i visit so many churches with no pianist.

    2. I’d also like to play some traditional hymns.

      I hope you like Independence. I used to live in Blue Springs, MO.

  26. Summer activities have slowed me down some but I still enjoy practicing my lessons. I’ve gotten up to Lesson 11, but find it beneficial & rewarding to go back to earlier lessons and review them. It helps me know how well I really knew them and it encourages me in realizing what I have learned. After progressing in the lessons and then going back to play “Frolicking”, I realized for the first time what the song was all about & I appreciated it so much more. I would like more intermediate songs to play. I play out of other books and it helps me in my sight reading. Also, as some have mentioned, some fillers to use in improvising songs would be nice. I’ve started trying to play songs by ear also. Learning to play in other keys but C is one of my next challenges. I know it is just really leaning my scales, too. Thanks, Lisa for all your work and a great program.

  27. Also – tips on using sustain pedal would be helpful. Keeping straight what each hand needs to be doing is challenging in itself, let alone coordinating the pedal !!! So often have issue of notes/chords running together. Sounds simple enough to just lift foot up each time playing different chord, but not so easy in practice. The faster the tune or the more chord changes, the more difficult this is to do. So usually end up just keeping foot on pedal continuously…..

  28. I love following the full songs, and would love to watch “how to” with chords – I hear a lot of tunes or parts of are basically chords .. left hand 1, right hand two, etc. That would be interesting to learn which goes with which. Thank you Lisa for all your helpful advice.

  29. Hi Lisa,
    Hope you and your granddaughter are having tons of fun. Lisa as far as asking for cords,play by ear,or something easy you have given me all the
    cords,notes,Clumsy Finger Solutions,Counting and Rhythm and songs to play. My problem is getting stuck and a couple of other things that i can’t mention. What i need is more practice tips and the students interacting with each other i
    know it’s hard for some of us and i get stuck like a lot of the students but if you.
    Follow the book and we have everything on the computer if we have a problem
    just back up until you have it. I know easier said than done truly Lisa thanks for

  30. You’ve done a great job of getting me started. I’ve just been overloaded with work lately. Maybe I’ll start again someday when things let up.

    Thank you for offering a wonderful opportunity to learn the piano.

  31. Hi Lisa; You have a beautiful granddaughter and aren’t you fortunate to visit warm sunny California? I used to live there for 53 years and then moved back to another beautiful state… Colorado.
    At any rate, my biggest problem is being dedicated to practicing. I can’t believe another year has past and I find myself way behind on my lessons and I know the fault lies with me not practicing as much as I should.
    I do enjoy your lessons and am a loyal student even though I fall short of practicing o a regular basis. I know it makes “perfect” but discipline is not one of my stronger subjects.
    I promise to do better. Keep up the wonderful work that you do.

  32. Honestly, I hardly got started before life got in the way, but I still have hopes that I will get back to it. Since my problem is mostly forgetfulness and lack of time, just your emailing and keeping in touch is as helpful as anything. Thanks for this!

  33. Thanks Lisa – It is great to see that many students are responding in this piano journey. I am enjoying your course and practicing as often as I can and am also taking up the guitar. It would be great if you could give us a few l950 s country songs to play. Thankyou.

  34. Hi Lisa , I see in some of your vidios you are on a Digital piano .I would like to get some more use out of this kind of sounds that it has , i do try some of them but as so many have key boards that have all this kind of music on them wonder if this will help other piano friends. As i have taken your lessons now from 07 i really have enjoyed all of the time i spend with you, maybe getting a little too far…but you always reply to all our Email’s and that i thank you for .You have a lovely Granddaugher. With fond Regards to you and all piano friends.

  35. Hello Lisa, I am revisiting the lessons and I must say Lesson 4 is much clearer to me now. I am on to Lesson 5 and I am hoping my understanding and proficiency is much clearer when I am done. I find that the lessons (even tho for beginners) are still rather confusing to me as I know diddly about playing the piano. Did you notice Lessons 1-3 are not mentioned, I feel a kinship with them. The more I practice the better my playing sounds. I don’t view the videos as I feel they make me feel inadequate (I can’t do what you are doing). So I go to the forum and read of the difficulty of others and I know I am not the only one having problems and I go and tackle my issues. Thanks everyone for posting on the forum, I wish you all the best and conquer those issues. Thank you Lisa I appreciate your checking up on me (and the other students).

    I am motivated to continue to practice the piano as I have always wanted to learn to play.

  36. Once I was doing great, distractions abounded and I stopped practicing. Plan to get back, but company coming from abroad for a month, so I will put piano on the back burner again, but I still want to get back to it. Your videos are very useful and will definitely restart from the beginning in November. At 72 I do not expect to become professional, but I enjoy learning new things and hopefully if I keep practicing, practicing along with your coaxing I will get better at it.

    Thank you for all you do for us.

  37. Hi Lisa – you and your grandchild look so good together – hope you are recovering from your illness.
    I seem to have trouble with counting and rhythm – 1/4 notes and etc – is there an easier way to learn this!! – find your music lessons just great and still learning but would recommend your music site to anyone who is interesting in learning the piano.
    kind regards

  38. I reallly enjoyed the video of your children playing those beautiful songs – I would like to see where they are now, if you can and they wouldn’t mind. I found motivation from that and from seeing you play as well. On that glacier – what a treat! Maybe you could show us more of this type of video for motivation on the website or elsewhere.

    I am at the end of lesson 10 – I find that I do not know the notes with my left hand as well as I know the right hand notes. Would you have any suggestions for me with that issue?

    I also feel the need to play a long song – something soothing and relaxing. Would you suggest anything for this?

    I have contacted you about specific songs I suddenly have the need to learn to play. You have a great many songs for us in the course and extras, but maybe this area could be expanded on. Songs from the 70’s interest me and I saw that songs from the 40”s, 80’s and 90’s was previously requested as well. This may be too much extra work – don’t want to add any pressure, just a thought.

    As others have said, just you contacting us is good motivation also. I join the others in thanking you for caring about us!

    Happy Vacation!

  39. Thanks for having us in mind. Lacking the natural musical talent, I have to practise many times on a piece before moving on to another. I am not able to practise as often as I wish because of work committments. Nevertheless, your frequent emails are good reminders that I should persevere. Thank you.

  40. hi lisa
    i have no problems with your lessons ,you have covered all steps .
    still finding the left hand difficult but determined to keep practising.
    woudn,t mind some easy songs 50,s -60,s.
    loved your video of your grand,daughter she is lovely, enjoy your holiday
    regards fay

  41. Hi Lisa

    I just thought I’m out of touch of piano learning now. But my son has just started his lessions in his school. Your email is a reminder for me to start learning again, so that atleast I can help him. Thanks

  42. …how to get motivated? The thing is that piano needs practice and lots of it. My idea is the following: allow students to make their wish come true.each student is entitle to request their favorite song and just make a database that all students can browse. You don’t need to feel overwellmed (smile~) like you say and do it little by little. Maybe the fire inside each one of us lights up trying to play our favorite song. It could be just a little tune and not the whole song. Chunk the wish and make it come true. Maybe it will work. You are just amazing! A great teacher never to forget. My favorite song is the Emperor’s waltz from Strauss… I hope it helps! Big hug….

  43. Hello Lisa,
    I come from the island of Malta (Europe) and have started your learning the piano lessons two years ago in November, and have reached Level 8.
    Since November 2010 I rather slowed down in my studying and practicing as my first grand daughter was born, and I have to baby sit full time as both parents work full time. I am a retired teacher in my sixties and by the evening I am rather exhausted and do not have the energy to concentrate and practice. When I am free from my duty as sitter, I do practice what I have learnt so far, and am pleased to see that I can still play them successfully, but do not have the mental energy to proceed forward.
    Unfortunately my son and family will be moving to Canada for good in November so my sitter duties will come to an end, and hope that I will have more time to dedicate to myself and to piano practice. What I would like to suggest is, if it is possible to have more songs to learn and practice at different levels besides the ones we have in the book, so as to increase our repertoire.

  44. Thanks Lisa for your kind thoughts even when you are holidaying. This is the first time I read all the various posted comments which are all valid that some of us have enountered. It would be of great help if you can from time to time keep us posted on various issues/suggestions given. That will definitely motivate everyone of us. Many thanks and hope you are having great time with your family. Cheers!

  45. Hi Lisa,
    To learn piano online is fun,i can regulate my learning pace with the time and commitment that i have. However very often get myself lost while trying to progress. I get motivated when the practise song is nice to the ear. If some popular songs in the 60s,70s,80s can be modified to be ” practise song” at each level, it will be a great self-motivation boost. I experienced this when playing the keyboard on pop songs with simplified number notes.I can spend hours glued to the keyboard because i am motivated with the pop song.
    Learning piano notes will surely takes me a long way into my musical journey but it will take time to master and digest.

  46. Lisa,
    Thank You for the Video !
    Your video’s are geat !
    As a the lifetime member,
    It would help if you put your books and information
    on hard copy,so that I can go back to the beginning and start over.It would also be Great if you would make DVD’s Available.
    I am willing to pay for both whenever or if ever you make them avaiaible.
    Your grand daughter is as beautiful as you,Grand Mother !

    1. I will also purchase the books (hard copies) as well. I’ve done a lot of printing on the computer/printer for all the lessons, but I would much rather have the regular o’l fashion book(s). I’m so burnt out of the internet, I don’t even read my e-mail anymore. I have been hand writing letters to friends and putting them in the mail box. I miss those times of ordering items and receiving the items/books in the mail. I have to much other important things in my day and life to do than be on the computer; so. . . yes, hard copies would be GREAT! I will purchase everything, all lessons from you. Let me know how much $$. Your piano student forever, Deborah in Arizona!

  47. I have heard it said that variety is the spice of life. How about trying different genre.i.e, pop, rock ragtime jazz etc.and from different time periods.


  48. Hi again Lisa!

    Please add more piano songs to learn from, Debussy, Schumann, Brahms, Felix Mendelssohn, Frederic Chopin, Franz Liszt, Schubert, Vivaldi, ect. . . I will again, purchase all the hard copies from you because I have been learning to play the piano from you for a few years now, and your way of teaching the piano is the BEST! How you teach, and all your teaching notes are great. Thanks!

    Deborah in Arizona

  49. I dont have a good suggestion, its just that I quit practicing and dont seem to have the ambition or desire to start up again. Have been involved in motorcycles maybe when the cold weather moves in I will feel more like doing it.
    Looking forward to see what you come up with, Thank you,

  50. Since listing with your program, I have had several changes in my life including moving to Atlanta. As a result I have not been able to proceed with your program althrough I am very impressed with your material. Would you please start me over with the “piano patch kids”. I am working with my grandchildren. Thank you for your patience and outstanding materials.

  51. Back for #2 to help. I would like to have more Irish Folk Song quick songs this one really is good to play i need more of this kind to get out of the plodding stage. One sheet of this kind of music would help a great deel. Thank You Lisa .

  52. Hi Lisa,
    I see you are more active then us. I hardly find time to sing. But my daughter Melisa is the true (real) student of you. I give also the email of Melisa: melisa.marian@yahoo.com. She sing every day. Now she is 10 year old, she has email, so I believe she can follow you. I really believe.
    Many many thanks. You are very kind.
    Bogdan Marian and Melisa Marian

  53. Hi Lisa, thank you for your email, how did you know I am need of motivation 🙂 I have your lifetime membership and have almost completed lesson 8. Your email and other student’s responses have been helpful. I would also enjoy more sheet music with easy to intermediate songs from the 60’s and 70’s.

    Enjoy your vacation with your family.

    Thank you,

  54. After not practicing for a few months I went back to the early lessons and paid attention to the pages of text which appear from time to time. I found this quite motivating as I progressed. So, maybe some more of this type of encouragement would help some of us.

  55. Hi Lisa,
    I had already given a comment here. Don’t know what happened, I can’t see it.
    Once again, due to some health issues I had to cut down on a lot of activities, which included piano. I have been playing off and on though. Except that, I am shuffling from last few pages of Lesson 7 and first couple of pages in Lesson 8.
    I wish you would have audio and video on these lessons.. It is not very easy from here, without video/audio guidance at least.
    Hope you can make it possible so that we can all resume with out lessons!
    Your g’daughter is beautiful!

  56. Hi Lisa,
    I too have been very busy. I love your lessons but the problem I have is that I when I learn a song I commit it to memory and play from memory. Months will go by before I try reading again and I find I’m not able to read as well as I did in the beginning. I too have not moved beyound lesson 8. I have learned Moonlight Sonata up to measure 18. Today I decided to move forward but now I can’t find you where I saved you in my favorites. I will check but so far I have not been able to pull up the Learn Piano online website? Help!
    Your Lifetime Student,
    Ren Daniels

  57. Thank you Lisa for not giving up on me. As a matter of fact I was a little discouraged, but your kindness for your students rekindle, my motivation. For me it is the only way to help. I am in the process of learning “On Wings of Song” by Mendelson. Thank you for sharing this charming moment with your beautiful grand’daughter.

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